Date Paper Presenter
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Jan 17 Introduction and Course Overview Nikita Borisov
Jan 19 Privacy-enhancing Technologies for the Internet
I. Goldberg, D. Wagner, E. Brewer, IEEE Spring COMPCON, 1997.
Nikita Borisov
Jodie Boyer
Privacy-enhancing technologies for the Internet, II: Five years later
I. Goldberg, PET 2002.
Jan 24 Untraceable electronic mail, return addresses, and digital pseudonyms
D. Chaum, Communications of the ACM, 1981.
Adam Lee
Chris Grier
Mixminion: Design of a Type III Anonymous Remailer Protocol
G.Danezis, R.Dingledine, N.Mathewson, IEEE SSP (Oakland) 2003.
Michael LeMay
Jan 26 Towards an Analysis of Onion Routing Security
P.Syverson, G.Tsudik, M.Reed, C.Landwehr, PET 2000.
Adam Lee
Parisa Tabriz
Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router
R.Dingledine, N.Mathewson, P.Syverson, USENIX Security, 2004.
Jodie Boyer
Jan 31 Crowds: Anonymity for Web Transactions
M.Reiter, A.Rubin, ACM TISSEC, 1998.
Munawar Hafiz
Michael LeMay
Freenet: A Distributed Anonymous Information Storage and Retrieval System
I.Clarke, O.Sandberg, B.Wiley, T.W. Hong, PET 2000.
Chris Grier
Feb 2 The Sybil Attack
J.Douceur, IPTPS 2002.
Leon Arber Adam Lee
Introducing MorphMix: Peer-to-Peer based Anonymous Internet Usage with Collusion Detection
M.Rennhard, B.Plattner, WPES 2002.
Munawar Hafiz
Feb 7 Tarzan: A Peer-to-Peer Anonymizing Network Layer
M.J. Freedman, R.Morris, ACM CCS 2002.
Sundeep Reddy Munawar Hafiz
The Eternity Service
R.Anderson, Pragocrypt 1996.
Frank Stratton
Feb 9 Publius: A robust, tamper-evident, censorship-resistant and source-anonymous web publishing system
M.Waldman, A.Rubin, L.Cranor, USENIX Security 2000.
Jodie Boyer Frank Stratton
Tangler: a censorship-resistant publishing system based on document entanglements
M.Waldman, D.Mazíeres, ACM CCS 2001.
Ragib Hasan
Feb 14 Traffic Analysis Attacks and Trade-Offs in Anonymity Providing Systems
A.Back, U.Möller, A.Stiglic, IH 2001.
Mehedi Bakht Fariba Khan
Traffic Analysis: Protocols, Attacks, Design Issues, and Open Problems
J.-F. Raymond, PET 2000.
Parisa Tabriz
Feb 16 The Traffic Analysis of Continuous-Time Mixes
G.Danezis, PET 2004.
Fariba Khan Omid Fatemieh
Low-Cost Traffic Analysis of Tor
S.J. Murdoch, G.Danezis, IEEE SSP (Oakland) 2005.
Frank Stratton
Feb 21 Practical Traffic Analysis: Extending and Resisting Statistical Disclosure
N.Mathewson, R.Dingledine, PET 2004.
Omid Fatemieh Jianqing Zhang
Towards measuring anonymity
C.Díaz,S .Seys, J.Claessens, B.Preneel, PET 2002.
Ragib Hasan
Feb 23 The disadvantages of free MIX routes and how to overcome them
O.Berthold, A.Pfitzmann, R.Standtke, PET 2000.
Fariba Khan Leon Arber
Synchronous Batching: From Cascades to Free Routes
R.Dingledine, V.Shmatikov, P.Syverson, PET 2004.
Zahid Anwar
Feb 28 Class cancelled
Mar 2 An Analysis of the Degradation of Anonymous Protocols
M.Wright, M.Adler, B.N.Levine, C.Shields, NDSS 2002.
Jianqing Zhang
Timing Attacks in Low-Latency Mix-Based Systems
B.N. Levine, M.K. Reiter, C.Wang, and M.K. Wright, FC 2004.
Frank Stratton
Mar 7 Secret-ballot receipts: true voter-verifiable elections
D.Chaum, IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, 2004..
Michael LeMay
A verifiable secret shuffle and its application to e-voting.
C A.Neff, ACM CCS, 2001..
Chris Grier
Mar 9 Cryptographic Voting Protocols: A Systems Perspective
C.Karlof, N.Sastry, D.Wagner, USENIX Security 2005.
Ragib Hasan
Coercion-Resistant Electronic Elections
A.Juels, D.Catalano, M.Jakobsson, WPES 2005..
Michael LeMay
Mar 14 k-anonymity: a model for protecting privacy
L. Sweeney, International Journal on Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, 2002.
Munawar Hafiz
Obfuscated Databases and Group Privacy
A. Narayanan, V. Shmatikov, CCS 2005.
Jianqing Zhang
Mar 16 Privacy-Preserving Set Operations
L.Kissner, D.Song, CRYPTO 2005.
Nikita Borisov
Applications of Secure Electronic Voting to Automated Privacy-Preserving Troubleshooting
D.Jao, Q.Huang, H.Wang, ACM CCS 2005.
Omid Fatemieh
Mar 28 Sharing Computer Network Logs for Security and Privacy: A Motivation for New Methodologies fo Anonymization
A. Slagell, W. Yurcik, SECOVAL 2005.
Zahid Anwar Mehedi Bakht
The Devil and Packet Trace Anonymization
R. Pang, M. Allman, V. Paxson, J. Lee, CCR 2006.
Parisa Tabriz
Mar 30 Mix Zones: User Privacy in Location-aware Services
A.R. Beresford, F. Stajano, IEEE PerCom 2004.
Jodie Boyer
Location privacy in pervasive computing
A.R. Beresford, F. Stajano, IEEE PerCom 2003.
Yaniv Eytani
Apr 4 Privacy and Security in Library RFID: Issues, Practices, and Architectures
D. Molnar and D. Wagner, ACM CCS 2004.
Zahid Anwar
High-Power Proxies for Enhancing RFID Privacy and Utility
A.Juels, P.Syverson, D.Bailey, PET 2005.
Yaniv Eytani
Apr 6 Untraceable electronic cash
D. Chaum, CRYPTO 1990..
Jianqing Zhang
A Description of Protocols for Private Credentials
A.Glenn, I.Goldberg, F.Legare, A.Stiglic, ePrint report 2001/082.
(no summary)
Apr 11 An Efficient System for Non-transferable Anonymous Credentials with Optional Anonymity Revocation
J.Camenisch, A.Lysyanskaya, EUROCRYPT, 2001.
(no summary)
OACerts: Oblivious Attribute Certificates
J.Li and N.Li, ACNS 2005.
Adam Lee
Apr 13 Policy-Hiding Access Control in Open Environment (Extended Abstract)
J.Li and N.Li, PODC 2005.
Fariba Khan Omid Fatemieh
Preventing Attribute Information Leakage in Automated Trust Negotiaton
K. Irwin and T. Yu, ACM CCS 2005.
Mehedi Bakht
Apr 18 Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
Y. Lindell and B. Pinkas, CRYPTO 2000.
Parisa Tabriz
Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
R. Agarwal and R. Srikant, ACM SIGMOD 2000.
Omid Fatemieh
Apr 20 Hierarchical Neighborhood Topology for Privacy Enhanced Collaborative Filtering
S. Berkovsky, Y. Eytani, T. Kuflik, F. Ricci, PEP 2006
(no summary)
Yaniv Eytani
The Pynchon Gate: A Secure Method of Pseudonymous Mail Retrieval
L. Sassaman, B. Cohen, N. Mathewson, WPES 2005.
Mehedi Bakht
Apr 25 On the Economics of Anonymity
A. Acquisti, R. Dingledine, P. Syverson, FC 2003.
Chris Grier
Privacy in Electronic Commerce and the Economics of Immediate Gratification
A.Acquisti, EC 04.
Leon Arber
Apr 27 Taking the Byte Out of Cookies: Privacy, Consent, and the Web
D. Lin and M. Loui, ACM SIGCAS Computer and Society, 1998
Leon Arber
Project presentations
May 2 Project presentations